Natalie Jackiw
9/15/2013 10:03:30 am

I think it is unwise for The United States, or anyone else to attack Syria. Firstly it makes no sense to bomb Syria and kill people as a punishment for killing people, especially because conflicting evidence means we still don’t know who actually used chemical weapons there. Also outsiders cannot solve their civil war; they need to end it themselves. Bombing Syria’s government forces will not cause them to stop the fighting, it will only make them angrier. This could cause them to retaliate and attack the U.S. The U.S must also take into account that if they attack Syria, Syria’s allies such as Russia and China will probably get involved. It is understandable to want to help the innocent people in Syria who are being harmed, but people must consider the potential consequences of trying to intervene. If these events really do lead to another world war it could potentially lead to millions of innocent people being killed, especially now that so many countries have nuclear weapons. If a nuclear bomb was dropped and it didn’t kill you directly, leftover radiation would cause you lots of suffering and eventually death. Because so many things are uncertain, including who used the chemical weapons and what the consequences of intervention would be, I do not think the United States should attack Syria.

Rachel Robertson
9/15/2013 12:00:06 pm

I don't understand why America wants to bomb Syria. Why cant they just leave them alone and let them resolve their own problem. I also commented on the photo about people not wanting to open their eyes and resolve problems of the world, but I don't think bombing Syria is included in the statements I said. I said that people should express their feelings and try to change the world, but I don't think bombing Syria is changing the world in a good way. Its changing the world for the worse. By bombing Syria, they could start world war three. This is terrible to think and that is why I think America should leave Syria alone.

mark sine
9/17/2013 01:48:51 am

I think it is unwise for The United States, or anyone else to attack Syria. Firstly it makes no sense to bomb Syria and kill people as a punishment for killing people, especially because conflicting evidence means we still don’t know who actually used chemical weapons there. Also outsiders cannot solve their civil war; they need to end it themselves. Bombing Syria’s government forces will not cause them to stop the fighting, it will only make them angrier. This could cause them to retaliate and attack the U.S. The U.S must also take into account that if they attack Syria, Syria’s allies such as Russia and China will probably get involved. It is understandable to want to help the innocent people in Syria who are being harmed, but people must consider the potential consequences of trying to intervene. If these events really do lead to another world war it could potentially lead to millions of innocent people being killed, especially now that so many countries have nuclear weapons. If a nuclear bomb was dropped and it didn’t kill you directly, leftover radiation would cause you lots of suffering and eventually death. Because so many things are uncertain, including who used the chemical weapons and what the consequences of intervention would be, I do not think the United States should attack Syria.

Aidan Downie
9/17/2013 01:54:36 am

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.

curtis s
9/27/2013 01:18:41 am

I personaly think that itd be crazy for them to go in and cause another world expecialy with the nuklear threats but also if the video you showed us the other day of economic hitman is true this really sounds like it could eb a sort of result from such an event

10/8/2013 12:52:17 pm

I believe this is another false flag operation. the U.S.A. could be starting a war with Syria, knowing that they (the U.S.) have a superior military,and surely another country will aid Syria. So all the U.S. government has to do is wait until the country that they want to go to war with decides to fight so they can have the war be justified. I don't know what the U.S could gain other than possibly oil or minerals, or maybe they want to shut down something that could effect them critically. I believe this because, if they're not doing what I explained, than they must be crazy.

11/1/2013 02:19:19 am

it would be a bad idea to bomb syria because we dont know for sure that it was them that used the chemical weapons to kill, and we would just be killing them for killing others


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