10/14/2013 01:35:00 pm

I find it very accomplished of Tesla to have modeled electric vehicles that are thoroughly upstaging much larger corporations such as General Motors. They have done very well making vehicles that can function effectively and perform as required by consumers at a cheap and affordable price. This progress in making electric vehicles is a very positive advance in our economy and I’m very excited to see the day when everyone is driving electric vehicles and in doing so sparing our environment.

Austin S.
10/15/2013 09:47:46 am

I find this turn of event to be very uplift on the environment by looking at it, but if you look deeper you see that it would not be much better because what has to produce this energy. The nuclear plants would and with the change from gas to electric rising the way it is we would have to make a new energy source like thorium for example unless we changed to something with much less of an impact on the environment in the creation of the energy we would have to produce more energy by making more throughout nuclear plant in turn creating more toxic waste. Unless we are ready for the change I think we should wait and make sure we can uphold this change

Austin S
10/15/2013 09:48:29 am


10/15/2013 12:29:30 pm

I think it's great that Tesla's electric cars are actually selling. There have been many attempts to produce and sell All Electric cars on a grand scale, and they have all been shot down.

10/17/2013 09:53:05 am

I think the electic cars will do well aslong as the power source is and will always be there so it wont be like gas where we don't have as much of it so we are charging more now

Jessica Kummer
10/17/2013 11:02:05 am

I think its wonderful how Tesla motors has figured out a way to create an electrical car that can last so long on one charge and is selling great. The electric car industry should do well, we can spare our environment and not have to worry about gas prices and oil industries etc. hopefully the day where the industry picks up comes sooner than later.

Austin Houben
10/21/2013 12:15:27 pm

i think that this whole electric car thing will be outstanding for the the future, just think if every one were to drive one there will be no more pollution and global warming would soon disappear

10/28/2013 01:58:43 am

all desil and gas powered cars shoulkd be banded from canada.everyone should only use elecrtic cars so the will be no global warming and polution. when CO2 is realeast from the gas cars it hurts the evioments.

Braydon Hickey
10/28/2013 10:15:53 am

Tesla motors is a great idea and should be thrust into mass production. it is a great alternative to the gas powered cars we use now. they create so much pollution and are killing the planet. Although expensive Tesla motors is a great idea it will not kill the planet. we need to preserve the planet for the future and that is exactly what will happen if we force people out of using gas powered cars. out of Tesla imagine what other things could come. this is why i believe Tesla is a great idea.

10/29/2013 02:08:57 am

I think Telsa motors would be a better alternative than gas powered cars. The envorionment would be very pleased, since these cars create a lot less pollution than gas powered cars. Not only Telsa has done a good favour for the environment by creating electric cars, but also created cars that are affordable. This is a great step towards a better future because this time we are actually thinking of the environment and not only profit. I think Telsa is an excellent plan to reverse climate change.

brayden stillwell
10/29/2013 03:33:43 am

i think telsa has has produced something that could change the and greatly inpact the enviroment , the best thing about their car is that is visually apealling and looks like a sports car

10/30/2013 01:42:05 pm

I think telsa is a very good idea. It will be so much better for the environment and the fact that it can last so long with one charge is going to make people more interested, along with the fact that it's not an ugly looking vehicle. This could help our planet immensely in the future.

11/1/2013 03:46:47 am

I think its wonderful how Tesla motors has figured out a way to create an electrical car that can last so long on one charge and is selling great. The electric car industry should do well, we can spare our environment and not have to worry about gas prices and oil industries etc. hopefully the day where the industry picks up comes sooner than later.

11/1/2013 06:53:50 am

In my opinion, Tesla has reached a new level of technology in electric cars. It seems that these cars can fulfill many of the consumers needs, met by a regular, oil powered vehicle, with electric motors. Electric vehicles are a great option for the future of our transportation and present so much potential for the future of this industry. Tesla has made huge advancements and can soon present cars to an entire population that are clean, affordable, and meet the needs of the consumers. The environment is a delicate thing, and it is important that we protect it with all that we can, and I think these electric cars are a step in the right direction.

11/4/2013 11:01:32 pm

Telsa Motors have invented something great here. a electric car that can last that long on one charge is crazy! electric cars are going to be a big part in the new "green" world of the future. i think every person in canada should drive electric cars. this is a big breakthrough in technology and we need to start using these!

Mark Sine
11/4/2013 11:06:34 pm

"Tesla shares were trading at under $20. Today, we’re looking about over $180 per share, and a market capitalization of about $22 billion" Tesla's designs and ideas have changed the world. Most of our cars and trucks currently run on gasoline and the shortage of fossil fuel is becoming a serious matter. The available alternatives are Electric, Hydrogen and Hybrid vehicles. Hybrid cars still emit carbon dioxide. Hydrogen cars produce pure water as waste but technical problems need to be fixed. Hydrogen fuel cells use platinum for catalysts and supplies of platinum are limited. Tesla Motors believes that the electric automobiles are a solution because zero emission is produced effectively during operation. No fuel is consumed while running and the electric engine is much simpler comparing to hybrid, hydrogen and conventional cars. If i was in GM's position i would want to take out Tesla motors too, because i would feel like were getting taken out of business. In the eyes of a consumer i believe Tesla motors is a great solution to global warming and the earths fossil fuels that are running out.

Patrick Young
11/6/2013 09:59:05 pm

tesla has invented something pretty good. i think electric cars is going to be the next big thing soon. now they have one that can last this long its amazing.


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