braydon hickey
10/7/2013 09:04:30 am

brazil is oing a good thing and it should be there right to. the NSA should not be allowed to spy on people during the time on the internet. People should have privacy rights on the internet if you want to send an email to your friend they shouldn't be allowed to read it. Brazil has done the world a favour by stepping out and saying " We don't want to be spied on and we can create another internet".

10/8/2013 11:03:51 pm


10/8/2013 08:08:05 am

I think that BRIC’s is a brilliant idea and I’m very happy that it looks like it will be successful. I love that Brazil has created a world internet cable that is independent of the US and Britain and will no longer have people spying on them and invading their rightful privacy. I believe that anyone using the internet should have privacy rights that don’t allow any government to spy on anyone without valid reasoning or perhaps even a warrant to do so.

Jessica Kummer
10/19/2013 08:55:31 am

I think this is a wonderful system/ idea and am glad to see that it is effective and working. Everyone has a right to their privacy on their computers. nobody should have the government looking in on them and reading their e-mails and messages etc. without a good reason to do so. Its almost like trespassing into peoples private lives. so I think this system is amazing and it is awesome that it is working out.

10/29/2013 02:15:29 am

I think that BRICS has made an awesome decision to do this. The United States has no right to be spying on what people are doing on the internet. When people are using the internet, they do so in the privacy of their own home, however, that privacy has now been stolen from the people. The NSA has crossed a line by doing this and it has to stop. What BRICS is planning on doing is great for the privacy of all the people in the countries that are involved. I believe that every country should follow in BRICS footsteps.

Meghavi Patel
10/29/2013 09:13:41 am

I think the BRICS has made an excellent idea to avoid internet spies and a better, internet privacy freedom. It is awesome that the America has no part to this so it doesn't spy on internet users.People should have the right to use the internet without anyone spying and putting their nose into their internet without permission.The NSA has done this and they have to stop. BRICS has done an excellent job to create privacy for internet users and I think NSA should do the same for their citizens, as well.

Natalie Jackiw
10/31/2013 01:25:24 pm

I think it is good that BRICS is not allowing the US to get away with spying on them. The US has no right to be spying on people! It is illegal to read someone’s paper mail, so the same rules should apply to emails and other messages. Also it is understood that it’s not right to pry into people’s private lives, and what you do on the internet is part of your private life, so it should stay private. Also it is immoral that the United States is stealing information from Brazilian companies. The US should be able to do business on their own with the information they know and can learn themselves. If they need to cheat to be able to compete in the world market then maybe they are not worthy of being in the market. Also if governments are cheating and stealing then it sets a bad example for others such as banks, large corporations and individuals and they won’t hesitate to cheat and steal themselves. BRICS standing up against the US and NSA’s spying will hopefully set an example for other countries, so that they will not allow themselves to be spied on either.

11/4/2013 11:40:17 pm

this is a great idea. the us goverment needs to stop spying on people's every move on the internet. i think that BRICS is standing up and saying that spying on everyone is not ok. good for them. someone needed to do it. i think that this new internet needs to be everywhere a.s.a.p


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