9/15/2013 06:57:16 am

I definitely agree with the fact that business is destroying our world. Like it said, a hundred years ago no one knew what they were doing to the world when they were extracting these precious materials from the environment. But now we know that we don’t have an endless supply of anything. Even though we know the enormous amounts that we are taking each day and how much we have left, businesses don’t care. All they want is money. They will keep doing what they are doing until they run out and have nothing else to sell. Business is the reason that nothing is being done to preserve our resources. They are what control our economy and therefore, since they are so ignorant to what they are doing, keep taking what isn’t theirs.

brayden stillwell
9/30/2013 12:18:30 am

WE NEED more ponys and fellow farm animals to help stimulate the money and white peoples liive to put us into the future

10/29/2013 02:31:36 am

I completely agree that businesses are destroying our world. A long time ago, we didnt have to worry about running out of resources because there was so much. Now, we are in fact running out, but the issue is that we aren't doing anything about it. What needs to happen in order for everyone to wake up and realise we cant keep living the way that we are living? Are we going to wait until something extremely horrible happens until we realise we need to make changes? Even if we do understand that we are doing terrible things to our environment, its not like we're doing anything about it. Knowing and doing are two completely different things. Businesses are all about making money. Money is coming before our enviroment; we have made it our first priority. In the big picture and in the long run the only thing that is going to matter is if we have a clean, safe, healthy environment to live in otherwise human kind will not survive. Businesses continue to crave a boosting economy, and if we dont stop this and realise there are more important things than just money, our world will come to an end.Our land, water, air and seas have been transferred from life-supporting systems to waste-lands. I truly wonder when (or if) we as a planet are going to open our eyes and realise we cannot continue to let businesses rule the world and destroy our earth.

Rachel Robertson
10/29/2013 09:17:14 am

I knew that one day we would eventually use all the nonrenewable resources, but i didn't know it isn't going to be long until we do. For example, we have already decimated 97% of the ancient forest in North America. This is terrible and its time to change. We need to decrease our rapidly increasing population an start caring a little more about our world. We need to use our non renewable resources. a hudred years ago we werent even thinking about running out of resources but now we need to start worrying. we need to act now and stop putting it to the side like the homework we never want to do know. we can not continue with our old ways its just not possibe, there isnt enough resources left

Aidan Downie
11/7/2013 09:41:11 am

we are screwed all of our recorce owners and the companies they run have been extracting fossil fuels from the Earth in ever more frenetic and ingenious ways. The burning of those fossil fuels, in turn, has put record amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Only this month, the CO2 level reached 400 parts per million for the first time in human history. A consensus of scientists has long concluded that the process was warming the world and that, if the average planetary temperature rose more than two degrees Celsius, all sorts of dangers could ensue, including seas rising high enough to inundate coastal cities, increasingly intense heat waves, droughts, floods, ever more extreme storm systems, so if we think about it were almost too late


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