10/21/2013 10:55:48 am

this is pretty mind blowing, if the USA government would stop blowing "terrorist stricken" country's up then the terrorists in those country would probably stop trying to blow up people/things in america, the "war on terrorism" is basically the USA's government doing the same thing as the terrorist's are, killing innocent people , but they get off the hook because they are over the power of the law

Austin Houben
10/21/2013 12:29:19 pm

i agree with jack 100% the Americans are just going and starting more crap when instead the Americans can be the bigger men and learn to not result with violence all the time, they are just as bad as the terrorist on the other side of planet and they do get off the hook over and over again because they are over the power of law

10/22/2013 08:43:28 pm

Any person with half a brain, after knowing this would want to bring their troop back, so why hasn't it happened already. Well it's simple, Iraq alone contains approximately 300 billion barrels of oil, and about two thirds of it are undiscovered. To the US, this is worth flying airplanes into their own buildings, killing thousands of citizens in the process. This leads me to believe that the US simply doesn't care about these facts, and will continue ignoring them.

10/26/2013 11:22:43 am

why does the u.s have so many nukclear power plants in the most earth quake there.

Braydon Hickey
10/27/2013 03:25:45 am

The US government is doing exactly what they say they are trying to stop which is terrorism. they should be considered terrorist. they are bombing innocent people in other countries for what they is justice for 9/11 which they may have done to themselves. the US government almost started world war three by bombing Syria and if they had the Shanghai co-operation organization would have stepped in creating mayhem and probably wiping out mankind. The US government doesn't get punished because they are one of the most powerful countries in the world they should be stopped and punished appropriately

lucus ingersoll
10/28/2013 02:20:16 am

they are building on the wrong places that is a big oops because in the future that could be a big NO NO and all in all thats just stupidity to max

Ryliegh Middleton
10/28/2013 02:34:08 am

the us goverment is making a huge mistake with how they are dealing with terrorism for example people are still trying to find out the real cause of 9\11 if they find this out there will more than likley be a riot this is stupid the world needs peace

10/28/2013 02:51:05 am

I think its pointless to just bomb countries without any reason. The more US bombs other countries, the more terrorists we will have, especially from the the Midldle East, since they are being targeted the most. If US is trying to obtain the oil the Middle East has then they are actually getting farther away because they have made Middle East their enemy. No one can do anything about their actions, since USA is one of the countries with the most power and nuclear weapons. It seems that USA is doing the most damage to the world then anyone else.

Patrick Young
10/28/2013 03:34:20 am

the united states goverment is making a big mistake with how theyre dealing with terrorism,voilence isnt gonna stop terroism its making it worse

Natalie Jackiw
10/28/2013 09:39:00 am

The “War on Terror” was not really created to stop terrorism, it is just a convenient excuse for the U.S to go start wars with countries and then take their oil. And now anyone who questions or speaks out against the United States is labelled a terrorist and is potentially killed as well. But when you kill people it is going to make their families and friends hate you and then they will want revenge so there really will be more people who want to hurt Americans. So the United States’ “War on Terror” is not getting rid of their enemies, they are just creating more. Making American citizens worry about “terrorists” also provides a distraction so that they are not thinking about the real abuse of power, such as the fact that the NSA is spying on everyone. Calling someone a terrorist does not actually make them a terrorist. If someone was actually guilty of terrorism they could stand trial and be found guilty, but since most people labelled as terrorists are not really guilty of anything the U.S resorts to unjustly torturing and murdering people and using terrorism as an excuse. The U.S should not be allowed to get away with this!

lucus ingersoll
10/29/2013 12:32:47 am

they need to do something about that thats unreal. they have to be working on a solution to fix the radiation comeing into the air

10/29/2013 03:12:31 am

Any person with half a brain, after knowing this would want to bring their troop back,

Austin Houben
11/1/2013 02:06:10 am

The US government is doing exactly what they say they are trying to stop which is terrorism. they should be considered terrorist. they are bombing innocent people in other countries for what they is justice for 9/11 which they may have done to themselves. the US government almost started world war three by bombing Syria and if they had the Shanghai co-operation organization would have stepped in creating mayhem and probably wiping out mankind. The US government doesn't get punished because they are one of the most powerful countries in the world they should be stopped and punished appropriately

11/1/2013 03:43:12 am

the us goverment is making a huge mistake with how they are dealing with terrorism for example people are still trying to find out the real cause of 9\11 if they find this out there will more than likley be a riot this is stupid the world needs peace

11/4/2013 11:39:26 pm

If the United States didnt invade the middle east when there was talk of chemical weapons after the U.N. said there werent any, none of these attacks never would have happened. when America invades, the middle eastern countries like to strike back and prove they are also strong but in the chemical weapons age we cant afford to start a war.The war on terrorism was created by america and they never make it easy on themselves.The U.S. really is its own worst enemy.


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