curtis s
9/27/2013 01:15:35 am

I must say you would think somethign so life threatning and most likely corrupt act would make news and some sort of attention but i guess when the news is government controlled you wont but that's scary

10/7/2013 08:22:26 pm

I would have to agree, but if you were responsible for lost nuclear weaponry, you wouldn't want it all over the news or people would start to believe there in the presence of idiots.

10/14/2013 05:24:20 am

The fact that several nuclear bombs have been lost and seem to have been forgotten about is fairly scary in my mind. Nuclear weapons are not something to be reckless with and definitely cannot be forgotten about if ever lost or stolen. Considering they aren’t in the hands of those they were intended for I would assume they are in the wrong hands and that can put a lot of people in very dangerous situations. I think that much more thought and responsibility needs to go into the care of nuclear weapons and under no circumstances should they ever be lost or stolen and if they are an extensive search should occur until they are found and recovered. Putting countless lives in danger due carelessness with such hazardous weapons is intolerable and must be dealt with.

10/21/2013 08:36:07 am

how can a courtey lose nuclear bombs

lucus ingersoll
10/23/2013 02:23:54 am

i think this is the most stupidest thing iv ever heard like how do you lose nukes and not know where they are, its a cover up for something they must have sold the nukes to terroists or threw them in the ocean whitch i doubt but in the end its ridiculas!

Braydon Hickey
10/30/2013 05:24:20 am

The fact that countries like Russia are losing nuclear warheads is not a good sign. Anything could've happened to them especially considering the area their ships are going threw with them on board. they are taking them threw terrorist infected areas and losing them. This can not keep happening because eventually one of these middle eastern countries is going to have enough nukes to destroy the whole world. They need to keep better control of their nukes because if they keep losing them again anything could happen.

Natalie Jackiw
10/31/2013 12:56:03 pm

My question is how on Earth do you lose a nuclear bomb?! That is outrageous! Something of such devastating power should not be allowed to just simply disappear. If this really was just carelessness then everyone who was involved should be fired immediately and they should make sure that competent people are taking care of the world’s most dangerous weapons. There is also the possibility that these nuclear weapons were not in fact lost but were given/sold to someone or moved somewhere else and governments don’t want us to know about it. There have been accusations that the US government has been helping and supplying weaponry to terrorists and rebel groups in order to start wars that would benefit them in some way, mainly to help them get oil. But nuclear weapons are much too dangerous to play around with and treat recklessly, unless you want to destroy the planet. The public deserves the right to know where the world’s nuclear weapons are and should be demanding to know what happened to these lost nuclear weapons! Or we could just solve this problem by disabling all nuclear weapons and banning them from ever being created again!

mark sine
11/4/2013 11:41:20 pm

You don't just lose nuclear, there is so much security and for important things like that they are obviously watch at all times the only explanation is that there were sold but to who is something i do not know could be terrorist could be another country. governments are so money hungry i wouldn't be surprised.

11/4/2013 11:43:39 pm

how can you lose nulcear bombs? You cant just lose a nuclear bomb. these bonbs are very dangerous and cant be treated with the carelessness of events like this. and This goverment took the most dangerous route possible for the trip and need to be prosictued for losing the bombs.


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