10/17/2013 01:07:23 pm

This is incredible. I can't imagine the possibilities that could come from Graphene. This would revolutionize the computer world with ten times data transferability. I'm sure Apple, Samsung and other companies are thrilled because the ideas in the video are pretty much their next step. I'm glad to finally here some good news in the Weeblys.

Austin Houben
10/21/2013 12:59:04 pm

this is actually unbelievable the thing that could be done with Graphene would be amazing. technology has already came ridiculously far already just imagine this will have blown that away by like 10X

10/28/2013 07:16:03 am

I think Graphene would be an excellent source to revolutionize the computer world from great network to cellphone like laptops. It seems that graphene is way more useful then sources being used now that can be taken by the place of graphene. As long as there is no negative environmental or health affects then graphene should be used in many devices. I was shocked to hear that graphene is flexible as rubber, however it's hard or unbreakable as diamond, also it is transparent. In my opinion, I would love to have a laptop made of graphene because it would be able to fold into a cellphone. I think graphene will be our future.

10/28/2013 12:27:26 pm

I think that graphene will definitely be the material of the future. This is an excellent source to revolutionize the technology world. There seem to be many advantages of graphene, and many exciting ideas that are to come in the future. For example a laptop which folds up into a cell phone. It's truly amazing how far scientists have researched in order to discover this resource. It is an extremely unique material as it is hard, but also very flexible and conducts electricity. It's an all around great resource and as long as there are no environmental hazards or issues with it, I can see us using a lot of it in the future.

10/29/2013 02:38:45 am

Graphene is a revolutionary material that holds so many possibilities for the future of technology. It is an incredibly unique substance that holds attributes thought unimaginable, pliable, thin, strong, and conductive yet seemingly very simple. Graphene has such a range of extraordinary properties, that people can use graphene in a myriad of applications such as cell phone and laptop advancements, reinforcements for plastics, in construction, etc. Learning about graphene is very interesting, especially to be aware only in the past decade that this miracle material exists, there must be so many more materials that we aren’t aware of yet either. Discoveries such as this are incredible advancements for us, and it is exciting to understand the possibilities behind this product as well. It will be incredible to see the implications of graphene in the near future.

brayden stillwell
10/29/2013 03:26:54 am

i think that graphene is a very revoulutionary discovery and could change the way we could do everything, the fact that its really strong and flexible is amazing

Quin W
10/29/2013 03:41:45 am

Graphene is without a doubt the material of the future. At only one atom thick it is also a filter for water, flexible, stronger then diamond, and many more reasons. I think that we should use Graphene on almost every because of all its great uses. Water treatment plants should be using Graphene to filter the water so that our water is as clean as possible. They should include graphene filters in every disaster and emergency kits so they can filter the salt or dirty water. Because graphene can conduct electricity so well i believe it should be used for phones, computers, tablets and more. Graphene is one of the strongest materials and is flexible so they should use it for sporting goods such as hockey sticks and baseball bats because it would advance the sport way farther. Graphene is a revolutionary material and should become way more common in our environment because of all of its perks.

Natalie Jackiw
10/30/2013 12:04:29 pm

Graphene is a very intriguing material. It is amazing how it can be used for such a wide range of things because of its unique properties. Since its conductivity is superior to that of copper and silicon it has the potential to replace these materials and make more efficient devices. Also if it really could be used to create a device that could fold from being a laptop to being a cell phone to being a watch then everyone would need fewer devices, which would mean fewer materials are being used, creating less of an environmental impact. The video showed that graphene is easy to produce in small quantities and with continued research they will probably find ways to make it in larger quantities which would be more efficient compared to materials that are harder to produce. I think continuing research on graphene is a good idea because this material could be very useful.

10/30/2013 01:36:59 pm

I think Graphene would be amazing for future technology. It could change everything for the better without harming the environment and that's exactly what we need. The fact that it's very flexible and at the same time very hard and strong is amazing and could be so useful for future technology.

11/1/2013 03:45:41 am

this is actually unbelievable the thing that could be done with Graphene would be amazing. technology has already came ridiculously far already just imagine this will have blown that away by like 10X

11/1/2013 11:41:27 am

Graphene is mind blowing.Its incredible to think of all the possiblilities that this product can create.All the amazing ideas that the video stated was almost scary because the possiblities are endless.The idea of having a laptop fold into a cell phone is insane. All the prodcuts we could improve with graphene is also mind blowing because if the product can be an atom thick, Thats just shows you the world is changing right before we know it, all this technology is making such a differnece in our society . Imagine all the ideas that some companies could create .

Patrick Young
11/4/2013 10:05:39 pm

I can't imagine the possibilities that come from Graphene. This would revolutionize the computer world with 10x data transferability. I'm sure Apple and other cumputercompanies are thrilled because the ideas in the video are almost their next step.

11/4/2013 10:57:43 pm

graphene is the material of the future. graphene is very thin but still very strong and flexable. Also since it can conduct electricity, the possibility's of graphene are inumerable. This material is so great. we should start using it in products/tools everywhere.


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