10/20/2013 06:26:33 am

Although oil has remained useful, it is not a neccessity. We need a clean source of plentiful energy, and oil is only an interim to that goal. We should work determinedly to find alternative sources of energy as quickly as possible. This is a horrible environmental destruction, just so corporations can add to their billions of dollars. Even though there has been a decline in fracking, because scientsts have warned that it is cancer causing, i think it needs to be stopped all together. After all, what is more important in the long run; making money, or humanity?

10/21/2013 08:14:07 am

I agree with Environment America that "banning fracking is the prudent and necessary course to protect the environment and public health.” Although, humans have created other conflicts that destroy the environment and public health, I think banning fracking would be a good choice because it would be easier to find a solution to fracking, which is to just stop, than to find a solution to Fukushima.
If they think that oil is desperate for survival over the environment and public health, then they are a bunch of selfish people, starving for oil, money. I think that we need to find ourselves a better resource or maybe even a better way to obtain oil than contaminating water with harmful substances. Don't you agree that Fukushima a big radiation producer that we created another one from fracking to extract oil using the force of water. After all of this scientific research and hazards facts about health and environment, America should ban fracking.

10/21/2013 08:22:40 am

the environment needs our help with saving it and to keep it clean. but if people keep fraking it is going to get distroyed

10/23/2013 02:13:48 am

fracking is not a good way to get a resource they need to find a better way to extract that resource without damaging the planet its not a good senario

10/27/2013 11:08:09 am

I think that fracking is a terrible idea. It is destroying our fresh water by intoxicating it with cancer causing chemicals, creating an immense amount of pollution, and increasing the risk of earthquakes. We as humans have become so ignorant to the repercussions of our actions that they are now becoming extremely severe. Only 1% of the water in the world is fresh water and to think that we are poisoning it for ourselves is absurd. We already have enough natural disasters to worry about and overcome so why would we want to create more just by fracking? It is ridiculous to think that we are creating these hazards just to get oil. There are many other ways and places to get oil and if this is the only way to extract the oil in these specific places, then surely we can leave that oil where it is. Eventually we will run out of oil everywhere, which is why it is essential for us to be actively researching and looking for new, clean, and safe energy sources. If we stop fracking and start using alternative sources of energy, than we can keep our water fresh and safe and our air clean.

Patrick Young
10/28/2013 03:40:23 am

fracking needs to be stoped. its damaging our fresh water with cancer causing chemicals. thats not godd for anyone.

Rachel Robertson
10/28/2013 08:53:14 am

Fracking needs to be put to an end it's causing cancer and destroying the few amount of fresh water we have. It's terrible that we are literally killing ourselves with this. Most of the fresh water uses in fracking returns to the surface full of nasty chemicals. I don't know about you but I sure don't want this cancerous chemical in my water. Instead of using oil, we can use safer and renewable energy sources that will keep our freshwater and humans itself safe. Eventually we will run out of oil so why not start using renewable sources so it won't be such a shocker when we do run out of oil. It's causing us so much harm just to get at the oil when there is so many easier and safer ways to get energy. We are such fools by hurting ourselves to get something that will soon run out.

Braydon Hickey
10/28/2013 10:09:45 am

Fracking should be stopped immediately. Humans rely to much on oil and we should not when the technology is out there to create healthy alternatives to oil. Why are we dumping cancer causing chemicals into the fresh water which we drink? out of the worlds water some 3% is fresh water and we are ruining it for some big corporations to make money. its stupid instead of gas power cars we should switch to Tesla motors cars. we are wasting to much money on oil. we should be spending it on research into things like thoruim and such. we are destroying are planet for future generations when we we should be doing is preserving it.

10/30/2013 12:30:43 pm

Oil is very useful in many ways but it's not necessary. We need to search for other types of energy that are better for our environment, and less expensive. Fracking is creating a huge disaster just for the money. If this is cancer causing then I don't see why we're even doing it. Humanity is more important.

Austin Houben
11/1/2013 02:18:36 am

fracking is a horrible way to extract substinces frrome the ground this is horilble

Mark Sine
11/1/2013 02:30:03 am

hydraulic fracking produces around 300,000 barrels of natural gas a day but at the price of numerous environmental safety and health hazards. Contaminated well water is used for drinking water for nearby cities and towns. There have been over 1000 documented cases of water contamination next to areas of gas drilling as well as cases of respiratory, and neurological damage due to drinking contaminated water. 72 trillion gallons of water and 360 billion gallons of chemicals needed to run our current gas wells. Up to 600 chemicals are used in fracking fluid, including known toxins such as Lead, Uranium, Radium, mercury and hydrochloric acid. In my personal opinion i believe we should ban fracking and find new method of clean energy.

Austin Houben
11/1/2013 02:38:11 am

fracking is a horrible way to extract substinces frrome the ground this is horilble

11/1/2013 02:41:43 am

We should use more efficent ways of extracting substances from the ground because this wway is horrible

Quin W
11/6/2013 09:58:09 pm

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity." and the large oil companies and corporations are defiantly stupid. The larger oil companies that are fracking to save money and time and pretty dumb, they should realize that fracking is hurting our environment and us. Fracking is making our tap water very dirty and unsafe. It is even possible to light your tap water on fire because of all the bad chemicals. Our governments need to realize what is going on here and stop it right away or else our planet will have to pay for it the long run and so will we. Fracking needs to stop and now. We just need to find more safe ways to extract substances from the ground.

brayden stillwell
11/6/2013 09:59:40 pm

oil companies are so rich that they feel they can do anything to make ore money and not have anyone say anything about it because they just want more money and dont care about the enviroment until its too late. if the toxic leftovers from fracking are getting inot our water systems and coming through our taps the governmet should be doing something about it


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