Aidan Downie
9/17/2013 02:06:01 am

Its like a herd in the animal kingdom

harley stein
9/17/2013 02:43:28 am

I believe this is very true. Today everyone is following the crowd because "it seems right". The only poeple not following the crowd are the smart and can think for themselevs.

Connor Evans
9/18/2013 02:38:37 am

I agree with the statement above because now a days everyone follows the crowd to fit in or to blend in with everyone else, but the person going the other way is the smartest and can chose/think for themselfs.

9/18/2013 06:54:30 am

I agree with both statements above because people that can not think by themselfs won't usaully go to fair in life you need to be your own person and do what you believe in.Everyone these days follows a person that they want to be but they will never be that person so they need to relize that they have to think for themself which they might end up being better then that one person

10/7/2013 01:44:37 pm

I think that this statement is correct in saying that too many people are ignorant towards what is truly going on around them. Like the statement said, “The one running in the opposite direction seems crazy”, meaning when someone opens their eyes and tries to inform others of what’s really happening, they’re the ones accused of being crazy. In all actuality the person who appears crazy is not crazy at all and the people who are following everyone else instead of thinking for themselves are hypothetically running toward a cliff.

10/20/2013 06:17:01 am

This cartoon is extremely accurate. There are so many people in this world that are followers that they end up following people who have no idea what they're doing (for example running toward a cliff). The few people that do take the time to actually use their brains and think for themselves often get put down and thrown away because they aren't doing or thinking what everyone else is. No one listens to these people because they want to be just like everyone else and follow what the majority is doing; not the minority. An example of all of this is Lord of the Flies. Piggy had all of these great ideas, however, since he was different he was ignored. On the other hand, Jack, who was popular, had all of these followers who would do whatever he wanted to. Jack ended up leading everyone to destruction and death, whereas if they had just listened to Piggy, they would have likely been successful.

10/21/2013 08:12:56 am

The statement in this cartoon is extremely accurate. Its an accurate statement because so many people are so oblivious tho what's happing around them, and they just decide to follow the crowd. Hardly anybody nowadays understands whats happening around them, they're just more focused on following a crowd instead of thinking for themselves and doing what's actually right. The people that do understand whats happening are very few, and no one listens to what they have to say about it because since it's not a lot of people agreeing with it they believe that it's wrong.

10/23/2013 11:47:03 am

This picture is very accurate. Most people in life tend to do what everyone else does, and follow. They never think for themselves, and just do what everyone else thinks is "right" or "cool" to do. People end up following people even if they have no clue what they are doing, (running off the cliff). This is why the people that think for themselves and do what they think is right are usually the ones accused of being crazy and end up being put down. Just because they arent doing what everyone else is doing, they are looked down upon for thinking to themselves and having their own opinions.

Natalie Shelswell
10/29/2013 04:02:06 am

This picture is very informative and has a great message. Everyone is following the leader and agrees to do whatever they are doing no matter what it is. If another person is not following everybody else and thinking for themselves, they are seen as the crazy ones. This is very applicable to today’s society. People are following what government leaders are doing even if it may be wrong or controversial. It is very sad that innocent people are being punished for having their own opinion and thinking for themselves. People should have their own rights and own way of thinking and should stand up for themselves even if they are seen as crazy.

Rachel Robertson
10/29/2013 09:34:12 am

This is so very true because humans tend to copy other humans and go with the flow. This is how fashion trends start, a person decides to wear something new and different and than people start to follow. People who dont follow the trend are looked at like they are crazy and different. Its the same as the government, they tell us what to do and we do it. And when someone diagrees they are looked at asif they are crazy and its not fair. everyone thinks differntly and they should be incouraged to say what they feel.

11/7/2013 11:05:14 pm

I think that this statement is correct in saying that too many people are ignorant towards what is truly going on around them. Like the statement said, “The one running in the opposite direction seems crazy

Mark Sine
11/7/2013 11:33:17 pm

I believe this statement is talking about how everyone follows the leader and don't think for themselves and it doesn't mater what the leader wants to do, they just go with the flow cause everyone else is and the ones who say that's crazy and turn there back on being just a follower seem crazy because they want to make there own path throw line instead of the "normal way" we are like sheep's to are government. bahhh


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