Natalie Shelswell
10/7/2013 09:15:57 am

It is very alarming to know how much climate change is impacting the earth. Not only is climate change affecting the ocean and water levels, it is also having a huge impact on our farms. With the rising temperatures, the crops are having a hard time growing because of the lack of rain and dry weather. Those images that were on the web link were very informing to show how fast this change is taking place around the world and we need to do something about it.

10/8/2013 07:59:11 am

I think that the facts in this article are very scary and what’s even scarier is the fact that we’re not doing anything about it. As the article said, we have countless of the best scientists in the world drawing conclusions about global warming but that doesn’t seem to be enough. It is painfully obvious that more needs to be done to help prevent global warming from worsening but, unfortunately no matter how legitimate or serious the information is that scientists are telling us, it seems everyone would rather turn a blind eye to the situation instead of fighting for change that is absolutely necessary. I find it haunting what we are bound to experience in the next 100 years and I truly hope that everyone opens their eyes and sees that something must be done now.

Jessica Kummer
10/19/2013 08:41:41 am

These photos were very informing and helped this article explain the problem a lot. The global warming issue is huge and it is happening so rapidly and changing things on our planet so fast like our oceans and water levels, our crops, the ice caps. We don't realize how big of a problem this is and we need to. And we need to do something about it fast in order to change anything.

10/20/2013 08:18:59 am

I found this article extremely scary. The scary part about it, is that millions of people are still uninformed, and not doing anything about it. The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, sea level has risen, and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased If this doesn't scare you then I'm not sure what will. Millions, if not Billions of people living along the coast will be displaced as sea-levels rise.The food shortages and hungry masses of people displaced from their homes will create global unrest on a level never seen before, and we wont know how to deal with it. Millions of acres of farmland will be destroyed by droughts and floods. This climate change will only lead to horrible things. Billions of people will be fighting against eachother to be able to secure enough food and shelter to keep themselves alive. If we continue to ignore these changes in our climate, the world will turn into a bloodbath; chaos on a level we have never dealt with before.

10/21/2013 05:27:25 am

I found this article very informing. Everyone needs to know that the climate is changing . If your not sensing a change with the weather something is up.The last few years it has been getting warmer. Look at 2012 it got up to 20°c thats mind blowing its suppose to be atleast
-10° . so its obvious something is changing. The crops are starting to get harder to keep healthy because its usaually to hot or there is to much rain.It will be alot harder to keep the worlds population from hitting starvation because of the crops not being able to grow .The ocean levels are rising because of the ice caps are melting.The world is going to change dramatically if we do not do something about it soon.This should be on everyones mind because how are we suppose to feed are rapidly growing population if we cant grow are crops or keep the water levels under control.Something needs to change

10/21/2013 08:32:55 am

why is every person on this planet so stupid, everyone should switchover to electric cars or car pool to prevent some global warming

10/28/2013 08:28:30 am

I think the name climate change, says it all. The temperatures are getting warmer and the snow and ice are diminishing. I remember the winters when we actually got snow and ice, now it's just remains as a myth, since we barely get the amount we used to get. Also, the concentration of greenhouse gas has increased significantly which will impact our environment negatively, in fact it already started by hints of ice caps melting. This fault of humankind does not only affect us, but it is and will also affect the other innocent livings things like polar bears. The increasing temperatures and sea-level rise will leave millions and billions of people on hunger because farmlands will be destroyed by the heat, floods and droughts. This uninformed information should be announced to the world, before it's too late to reverse it.

Rachel Robertson
10/28/2013 09:24:46 am

Climate change isn't just ruining the life of a snowboarder who loves the winter, it is changing everyone and everything. Water levels are changing, snow and ice are melting, crops we need for food I'd being dried up, animals are dying, and people on the coasts are losing their homes. I have been told many Tim's about the terrors of global warming but never really thought to hard about it. Lost of people are uninformed and the people who do know are turning their cold shoulder to it. It's time everyone knows and everyone helps out. It's no wonder why we haven't had a good winter in such a long time, it's because global warming and it needs to stop.

10/29/2013 02:06:09 am

This article is very scary however, it is what we need to hear. If we don't do anything about it then it is only going to get worse. There has not been nearly as much snowfall in the winter, which is a result of the rising temperatures. However, this is the least of our worries. If humans remain lazy and unwilling to fix what we created, horrible things will happen to the earth and life will deem unsustainable. This study shows that all of the arctic and glaciers will melt which will cause areas that are supposed to be dry to be wet. This will also mean that the ocean levels will rise and that coastal cities will find themselves underwater. As well, there will be an excess amount of precipitation in the wet months and not nearly enough precipitation in the dry months. This will result in huge floods and troublesome droughts. Our rain will become extremely acidic which will cause the oceans to become acidic. This will make it very hard for marine life to live and it will also taint our fresh water sources. Overall, if our population continues to ignore what we’ve created, the future is looking very grim for us.

Natalie Jackiw
10/31/2013 01:11:15 pm

This article is very frightening and it shows how extremely damaging climate change really is. The most terrifying part is that scientists are saying that “Most aspects of climate change will persist for centuries even if emissions of CO2 are stopped.” This means that even if we took action and stopped polluting the Earth with CO2 emissions right now, we have already ruined the planet for future generations. Not that we would be able to stop CO2 emissions because most people are not informed about climate change or still do not believe it is actually happening, even though all the top scientists are telling us that it is! Because deserts will become drier and water levels will rise even less land will be usable for living and producing food and other necessities. If we keep going on like this we will destroy the planet and wipe out our species. And it is not just us that is being affected, it is all other life too. It is not fair that we are ruining the existence of all other life that we share this Earth with! I think governments should really focus on the problem of climate change instead of thinking about spying on people and making money. Because all the money in the world won’t matter when we’re all dead from climate change! Humans are capable of doing wonderfully good things and it is hard to believe that we have caused so much destruction, but this is the reality and we must do all that we can to change it!

11/1/2013 07:15:01 am

This article is very alarming; however, it is the plain truth that our population needs to hear. The effects of the CO2 we have already released into the environment are incredibly detrimental, and to think that we have already made things worse for future generations is not good. We need to get our act together, as a country, because we can stop some of these CO2 emissions. The technology exists to utilize electric cars, Thorium energy, etc. it is dangerous, the effects we already are discovering about climate change, and even more alarming to know about what could happen in the future. Already we have damaged the environment, but I believe if we made changes to our society and our way of life it would still be possible to protect our environment from some of these predicted outcomes for the next, 10, 50, 100 years, etc. The detriment that we are causing to the environment is plainly obvious, and very scary. However, it is even more alarming that we seem to be doing nothing about these issues that need more attention, more action and more results, if we want to create a sustainable world for us, and for future generations. I hope that our population will gain a greater perspective, and begin to see the big picture of what we are causing to our world, so we can make a change.

11/4/2013 11:33:55 pm

This artical is disturbing. the results of global warming/climate change are inumerable. We need to cut the worlds population and polution to stop this, if we even can anymore. we are using more resources than our planet has and thats not sustainable. we need to create a sustainable society and stick with it. then we might not continue the destruction of our planet that is described in this artical.

11/5/2013 09:52:37 pm

i think that this is so true because our seasons are changing they last longer less snow more rain its horrible in a few years this will be worse from the way we are heading with the dead zones in oceans and our water being as gross as it is this could be the end of us if it doesnt change


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