Fracking destroys the water table and is an environmental hazard of biblical dimensions. Why do we need armed police to the point of a full military operation to enforce what is obviously against the public and people of Canada's  interest.  The Arrogance of Ignorance inherent in a generation obsessed with greed and short term pieces of stupid paper called money.
Austin Houben
10/21/2013 12:49:26 pm

i think Fracking is horrible. that video that you showed us today were that lady could hold a match to her SINK and it would cause bursts of fire is just sad and to think if she were to go for even a glass of water it would be bad for her health because shes putting all that methane into her body

Dustin ells
10/28/2013 02:29:49 am

i want clean water not fire water. If they keep up with fracking its just going to make more air pollution that's smart make the only things we need deadly.And to make it even worse your house will decline in property value so that house you worked for all of your life is not even worth half of what you payed for it.

Natalie Jackiw
10/30/2013 11:44:23 am

I do not think fracking is the way to go. It causes many unnecessary health and environmental risks. Habitat is being lost and water pollution is killing animals. The water pollution is also dangerous to humans, not to mention the fact that fracking releases radiation which is extremely dangerous. There is already enough concern over radiation from Fukushima and other nuclear plants, so why would you want to create more? It is not yet known the full extent to the health risks of fracking and it is very unwise to do anything when you don’t know what all the risks are. Instead of continuing with fracking which adds to the problem of our over dependence on oil, we should be investigating more safe and renewable options and moving towards the use of electric cars. Also it is quite obvious that the public is against fracking. Instead of sending in armed police to cause problems at a peaceful protest, the government and companies should be listening to what the people want. Many past events such as the G20 summit have shown that having highly armed police officers at protests will just cause more problems, so people should be allowed to protest peacefully. But since fracking can make lots of money companies are interested in satisfying their own greed and are not interested in what is good for our world now and in the future.

10/30/2013 12:37:37 pm

As I've said before, I'm totally against the use of oil in Canada, so as you would Imagine, I am greatly frustrated by this. As I was reading the article I was thinking " oh great, a dirtier way to get oil, oh, but that's not all. It causes wost problems that effect us more directly, how amazing." I have to ask the creators of Fracking 3 questions. 1, Do we need oil so bad that we're willing to do this to our environment? 2, Why should we spend our money on this instead of on new, clean, renewable power sources like Perepiteia generators? 3, will what I'm saying effect your thoughts, or will it be swept under the rug like so many other good ideas?

10/30/2013 01:20:36 pm

I think fracking is a very bad idea. All it's doing is polluting the air, harming the environment and ruining our water. Fracking does nothing good for humanity and I'm sure we can find a safer way to get oil.

Harley stein
10/31/2013 12:04:04 pm

I think this is a bad idea, it is polluting, dangerous for animals, and it not worth the while. It is dangerous enough that there is radiation all through the ocean, but this also releases radadation. I think there are much better ways to do this! And I think this should not even be an option or allowed to happen

10/31/2013 12:16:20 pm

It worries me that our government cannot see what is obviously not in the best interest for our people and our country. I think that greed will without a doubt be what destroys our environment because sooner than later it will not be able to sustain our endless wants and needs. It’s evident that countless people, currently mostly natives, are concerned about fracking in Canada and aren’t about to stand around and watch while we allow greedy companies to wreck the environment and put our health in danger. I don’t blame the police officers for having to do their job but I do think our elected representatives need to give their heads a shake and take a look at what they’re doing. Too many of the people in our government aren’t seeing the big picture and it shows. Everyone needs to think of what they’re doing and how it’s affecting our country. I hope those in charge will see what the natives are trying to protect and make the right decision to stop fracking in Canada and protect our country from hazardous consequences.

11/1/2013 07:03:34 am

Human greed will evidently be the demise of many nations, and I believe this fracking is a prime example. Fracking is diminishing our environment for the wealth and benefits of corporations. It seems that our representatives need to gain a greater perspective, to see the bigger picture of what is happening here. Our actions always have consequences, good or bad, and I don’t believe fracking will have any benefits for the people of Canada. We have better options for energy available, and it is disappointing that we are willing to ignore these options, and destroy our precious environment for the sake of oil. It would be best to invest our funds into clean, renewable, and safe forms of energy, instead of supporting fracking, which has many health and safety repercussions and also in turn supports nuclear energy. Fracking should not be permitted, and I hope that the government and corporations will be in favour of what is best for the people of Canada, and stop fracking.

Patrick Young
11/4/2013 09:53:09 pm

It worries me that our government cannot see what is not in the best interest for our people. I think greed will be what destroys our environment because sooner or later it will not be able to sustain our endless needs. It’s evident that countless people, currently mostly natives, are concerned about fracking in Canada and aren’t about to stand around and watch while we allow greedy companies to wreck the environment and put our health in danger. I don’t blame the police for having to do their job but I think our elected representatives need to give their heads a shake and take a look at what they’re doing. Too many of the people in our government aren’t seeing the big picture and it shows. Everyone needs to think of what they’re doing and how it’s affecting our country. I hope those in charge will see what the natives are trying to protect and make the right decision to stop fracking in Canada and protect our country from hazardous consequences.

brayden stillwell
11/6/2013 09:53:42 pm

oil companies are so rich that they feel they can do anything to make ore money and not have anyone say anything about it because they just want more money and dont care about the enviroment until its too late. if the toxic leftovers from fracking are getting inot our water systems and coming through our taps the governmet should be doing something about it

11/6/2013 09:56:15 pm

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity." and the large oil companies and corporations are defiantly stupid. The larger oil companies that are fracking to save money and time and pretty dumb, they should realize that fracking is hurting our environment and us. Fracking is making our tap water very dirty and unsafe. It is even possible to light your tap water on fire because of all the bad chemicals. Our governments need to realize what is going on here and stop it right away or else our planet will have to pay for it the long run and so will we. Fracking needs to stop and now.


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