The following is a mini essay. You will need to have an introduction at least two paragraphs and you must have a major reference to World War One. 

Answer any one of the following questions. 

1. With reference to your understanding of the  insanity and horror of industrial scale war as initiated in World War One, comment on subsequent endless war to the manifest disservice of humanity. 

In other words, humanity has perhaps learned nothing from World War One as we continue to murder millions of human beings as a matter of course. .

2. Is there something inherently wrong with humanity that we do this to each other.  

Libya, here the facts appear controversial but the human cost undeniable. - 

Serbia - the basis for war is perhaps not entirely in existence.

Iraq - millions of people have been killed in this endless war where the Canadian ambassador to Iraq resigned on account of US duplicity in the first invasion of the country.

What comment is being made as to food in the trenches ? 
In what way did a whizzbang constitute an ongoing threat to life and limb in the trenches.

1. Comment on the rat in the trenches.

2. What is so obviously wrong with the senseless ideas dreamed up by senior officers in palatial quarters and far removed from reality. 

3. The skit so very obviously makes a mockery of the stupidity of senior officers promoted on social aristocratic rank and not competence. Is this fair /

1. Consider the skit and use the subliminal facts to comment on the disconnect between senior officers and their troops as a possible cause for the tremendous casualties sustained by armies in this war.

2.Comment on the likelihood of said casualties had senior officers been in the front lines and had subjected themselves to this veritable insanity.  
Google the Schliefen Plan and explain the merits and demerits of the German plan for victory in 1914.

Have a look at the article and offer your conclusions as to the similarities or otherwise to 1914 Eur 
Google the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and NATO and note the countries that comprise each military alliance.